When one door closes and another door opens. This phrase has several different meanings, but today for me, it symbolizes our summertime of lazy hazy (let's not forget rainy) days have come to an end and a new school year is upon us. This is bitter sweet for our little family. We have had a lovely summer...a busier one than we anticipated...but simply great! And, fun! And, now this Mom (after a summer of overindulging in lots of good food and vino), needs to get her hiney back in the gym! Bitter Sweet! In saying that, we will cherish our memories and are looking forward to hopefully an exciting new school year.
So, as I pack for our last little hurrah before the 2013-2014 school year begins, I think about what it must feel like for my little ones to end this fun filled summer and move onto a new academic year. New teachers, new classrooms, new classmates, new buildings, new carlines. More rules, more homework, more activities, more discipline...and pray for no drama or dare I say the "B" word (bullying)! No more playgrounds, no more lovey-dovey teachers (for one child), no more rest mats, no more stations. Maybe I am the one with the anxiety...not my children!
When I think back to when I was their age, I wonder...was I excited...was I nervous? How did my parents prepare me for a new school year and getting back to the books? Besides buying all the school supplies, back to school clothes, new shoes, new backpack, new lunch sack, etc, was I ever really mentally prepared? Or, do elementary age kids in even think this way?
Honestly, I think my Superboy is more excited about his new backpack than anything else! And, maybe that is how his little noggin works? At his young age, maybe the "little things" right now is what makes him happy? I have a whole playroom of Legos that possibly proves that!! And, for my little Mini Me of a daughter, she is just happy to have 3 of her close girlfriends in her class...she is the one with the not so lovey-dovey teacher! She cried (boo-hooed which then made me cry) after her last year's Class "End of the Year" Party because we had such a fantastic year. Thank heavens for girlfriends in her new class...and for me, thank heavens for their amazing moms!
But, as a Mom, I am excited for their new adventure, their new emotions and transitions, the friendships they will make, but still want to put something much heavier than a brick on their head! It just goes by so fast! After a week long vacation this summer with just Darling Husband, I came back to see Superboy looking an inch taller. How does that happen and where did all the food in the house go?
So, during this next week before the "First Day" arrives, the "mama" within me will be dishing out a few tidbits of advice and hope that it sinks in...just a little. I will pray daily for their well being, for their education, for their safety, for their teachers, for their classmates and friends and for a happy household when that long day at school is finally over. I will pray for the Moms who feel like taxi drivers from the 3-6:00 pm time period. I will pray that their Daddy comes home from a stress free day (50-50% chance). And, I will pray that the evening will be filled with love and joy and that sweet little prayers will be said and answered at bedtime.
I will hope to be the educator at home and to teach my children to be kind, thoughtful, patient, courteous, good communicators and overall...just good little people. I hope to teach them to look forward and up and not left and right...to form their own little opinions. To not care so much about what others think, but to respect their way of life. In addition, to listen to others (especially their teachers), consider their feelings, make your own decisions and not be judgmental! To include everyone and not be cliquish. To make new friends, but keep the old ones. As a mom and a woman, I am constantly working on these attributes each and every day! Some easy...others a bit challenging. And finally, I hope to teach them to have school spirit!! We are paying for it...so you better!!
Our children are only in our lives, under our roof, for a brief moment and it is our duty to make sure we, as parents, point them in the right direction. For one day, this will be when our door closes and another one opens for them. My parents still to this day give me helpful advice when I need it...most include parenting, relationships, household management, etc. Some advice I take...some I put in the recycle bin! But, I try to work every day to be the best parent, mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and child of the Lord that I can be. And, I learn every day from experiences that I go through, people I meet and new things that I learn. Some days good...others, not so much! And, it is such a pleasure when I learn something new from my children! Whether it be how to test my patience, how to braid a fishtail, how to swing a Samurai sword or the new way to do math...I thought there was only one way. Sometimes these little ones know more that I do when it comes to their homework...leaving me feeling not so smart! But, the best thing they teach me is how to be a better person!! (Tears are flowing!)
We will never have this time, this past summer, this first day of school, ever again...make the most of it! Make the most of this year! And, thank you to all the teachers and educators out there who have one of the toughest jobs in the world! God Bless You!!
Dixie Chic
* Feel free to share and pass on your best parenting tips for starting back to school...for the kids and the Moms!!!
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